Interface BoostPayload

Object representation of BoostCore.InitPayload struct.


interface BoostPayload {
    budget: `0x${string}`;
    action: Target;
    validator: Target;
    allowList: Target;
    incentives: Target[];
    owner: `0x${string}`;
    protocolFee?: bigint;
    referralFee?: bigint;
    maxParticipants?: bigint;


budget: `0x${string}`

Address to valid budget.

action: Target

Target for existing action, or base with initialization payload.

validator: Target

Target for existing validator, or base with initialization payload.

allowList: Target

Target for existing allowList, or base with initialization payload.

incentives: Target[]

Targets for new incentives, with initialization payloads.

owner: `0x${string}`

The owner of the Boost.

protocolFee?: bigint

The base protocol fee (in bps)

referralFee?: bigint

The base referral fee (in bps)

maxParticipants?: bigint

Optional maximum amount of participants in the Boost.