Class EventAction

A generic event action


Hierarchy (view full)



base: `0x${string}` = ...

A static property representing the address of the base implementation on chain, used when cloning base contracts.

registryType: RegistryType = RegistryType.ACTION

The target's registry type.

abi: readonly [{
    type: "constructor";
    inputs: readonly [];
    stateMutability: "nonpayable";
}, {
    type: "error";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
}, {
    type: "error";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
}, {
    type: "error";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "InvalidInitialization";
}, {
    type: "error";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "InvalidInitializationData";
}, {
    type: "error";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "NotImplemented";
}, {
    type: "error";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "NotInitializing";
}, {
    type: "event";
    anonymous: false;
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "executor";
        internalType: "address";
        type: "address";
        indexed: true;
    }, {
        name: "caller";
        internalType: "address";
        type: "address";
        indexed: false;
    }, {
        name: "success";
        internalType: "bool";
        type: "bool";
        indexed: false;
    }, {
        name: "data";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
        indexed: false;
    name: "ActionExecuted";
}, {
    type: "event";
    anonymous: false;
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "user";
        internalType: "address";
        type: "address";
        indexed: true;
    }, {
        name: "isValidated";
        internalType: "bool";
        type: "bool";
        indexed: false;
    }, {
        name: "data";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
        indexed: false;
    name: "ActionValidated";
}, {
    type: "event";
    anonymous: false;
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "version";
        internalType: "uint64";
        type: "uint64";
        indexed: false;
    name: "Initialized";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "VALIDATOR";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "contract AValidator";
        type: "address";
    stateMutability: "view";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
    name: "execute";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "bool";
        type: "bool";
    }, {
        name: "";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
    stateMutability: "payable";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "getActionClaimant";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
        type: "tuple";
        components: readonly [{
            name: "signatureType";
            internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
            type: "uint8";
        }, {
            name: "signature";
            internalType: "bytes32";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            name: "fieldIndex";
            internalType: "uint8";
            type: "uint8";
        }, {
            name: "targetContract";
            internalType: "address";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            name: "chainid";
            internalType: "uint256";
            type: "uint256";
    stateMutability: "view";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "index";
        internalType: "uint256";
        type: "uint256";
    name: "getActionStep";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
        type: "tuple";
        components: readonly [{
            name: "signature";
            internalType: "bytes32";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            name: "signatureType";
            internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
            type: "uint8";
        }, {
            name: "actionType";
            internalType: "uint8";
            type: "uint8";
        }, {
            name: "targetContract";
            internalType: "address";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            name: "chainid";
            internalType: "uint256";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            name: "actionParameter";
            internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
            type: "tuple";
            components: readonly [{
                name: "filterType";
                internalType: "enum AEventAction.FilterType";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                name: "fieldType";
                internalType: "enum AEventAction.PrimitiveType";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                name: "fieldIndex";
                internalType: "uint8";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                name: "filterData";
                internalType: "bytes";
                type: "bytes";
    stateMutability: "view";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "getActionSteps";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
        type: "tuple[]";
        components: readonly [{
            name: "signature";
            internalType: "bytes32";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            name: "signatureType";
            internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
            type: "uint8";
        }, {
            name: "actionType";
            internalType: "uint8";
            type: "uint8";
        }, {
            name: "targetContract";
            internalType: "address";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            name: "chainid";
            internalType: "uint256";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            name: "actionParameter";
            internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
            type: "tuple";
            components: readonly [{
                name: "filterType";
                internalType: "enum AEventAction.FilterType";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                name: "fieldType";
                internalType: "enum AEventAction.PrimitiveType";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                name: "fieldIndex";
                internalType: "uint8";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                name: "filterData";
                internalType: "bytes";
                type: "bytes";
    stateMutability: "view";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "getActionStepsCount";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "uint256";
        type: "uint256";
    stateMutability: "view";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [];
    name: "getComponentInterface";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "bytes4";
        type: "bytes4";
    stateMutability: "pure";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "data_";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
    name: "initialize";
    outputs: readonly [];
    stateMutability: "nonpayable";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
    name: "prepare";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "bytes";
        type: "bytes";
    stateMutability: "view";
}, {
    type: "function";
    inputs: readonly [{
        name: "interfaceId";
        internalType: "bytes4";
        type: "bytes4";
    name: "supportsInterface";
    outputs: readonly [{
        name: "";
        internalType: "bool";
        type: "bool";
    stateMutability: "view";
}] = eventActionAbi
_isBase: boolean = true

A property asserting that the protocol should eiher clone and initialize a new target from the base implementation, or re-use an existing contract without initializing.

_payload: undefined | EventActionPayload

The deployable payload used either for contract construction or initialization

_config: Config
_address: undefined | `0x${string}`

The internally managed address for this contract

_account?: Account

If it exists, Viem Local Account, if in a Node environment


  • get address(): undefined | `0x${string}`
  • A getter returning this contract's deployed address, if it exists.

    Returns undefined | `0x${string}`


  • Gets a specific action event by index


    • index: number

      The index of the action event to retrieve

    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "getActionStep">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<undefined | ActionStep>

  • Gets all action events


    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "getActionSteps">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<ActionStep[]>

  • Gets the count of action events


    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "getActionStepsCount">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Retrieves the payload describing how claimants can be identified from logs or function calls.


    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "getActionClaimant">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<Pick<ActionClaimant,
        | "signature"
        | "signatureType"
        | "targetContract"
        | "fieldIndex"> & {
        chainid: bigint;
    } & {
        chainid: number;

  • Executes a prepared event action


    • data: `0x${string}`
    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<WriteContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "execute">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<readonly [boolean, `0x${string}`]>

  • Executes a prepared event action


    • data: `0x${string}`
    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<WriteContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "execute">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<{
        hash: `0x${string}`;
        result: readonly [boolean, `0x${string}`];

  • Retrieves action steps, and uses them to validate against, and optionally fetch logs that match the step's signature. If logs are provided in the optional params argument, then those logs will be used instead of fetched with the configured client.


    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
                  components: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
              }, {
                  name: ...;
                  internalType: ...;
                  type: ...;
                  components: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "getActionSteps">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">> & Partial<Omit<GetLogsParameters<AbiEvent, [AbiEvent]>, "address">> & {
          chainId?: number;
      } & {
          knownEvents?: Record<`0x${string}`, AbiEvent>;
          logs?: Log[];

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Validates a single action step with a given criteria against logs. If logs are provided in the optional params argument, then those logs will be used instead of fetched with the configured client.


    • actionStep: ActionStep
    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<GetLogsParameters<AbiEvent, [AbiEvent]>, "address">> & {
          chainId?: number;
      } & {
          knownEvents?: Record<`0x${string}`, AbiEvent>;
          logs?: Log[];

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Validates a Log against a given criteria.


    • criteria: Criteria

      The criteria to validate against.

    • log: Log

      The Viem event log.

    Returns boolean

    • Returns true if the log passes the criteria, false otherwise.
  • High level deployment function to deploy and await the contract address. This is mainly a convenience method to easily deploy a contract, but will not initialize a Cloneable, which makes it useless for Boost components. Obviously you can ignore the TS warnings and use this, but you shouldn't in most all cases.


    Returns Promise<EventAction>

  • Check if the contract supports the given interface


    • interfaceId: `0x${string}`

      The interface identifier

    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "supportsInterface">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    • True if the contract supports the interface
  • Return a cloneable's unique identifier for downstream consumers to differentiate various targets All implementations must override this function


    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<ReadContractParameters<readonly [{
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], "getComponentInterface">,
          | "address"
          | "args"
          | "abi"
          | "functionName">>

    Returns Promise<`0x${string}`>

  • A typed wrapper for (viem.getLogs)[]. Accepts eventName and eventNames as optional parameters to narrow the returned log types.

    Type Parameters

    • event extends "ActionExecuted" | "ActionValidated" | "Initialized"
    • const abiEvent extends {
          name: event;
      } & {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      } | {
          name: event;
      } & {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      } | {
          name: event;
      } & {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      } = Extract<{
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          name: event;
      }> | Extract<{
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          name: event;
      }> | Extract<{
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          name: event;


    • Optionalparams: Omit<GetLogsParams<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "contract AValidator";
              type: "address";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          }, {
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionClaimant";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "fieldIndex";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "index";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep";
              type: "tuple";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "struct AEventAction.ActionStep[]";
              type: "tuple[]";
              components: readonly [{
                  name: "signature";
                  internalType: "bytes32";
                  type: "bytes32";
              }, {
                  name: "signatureType";
                  internalType: "enum AEventAction.SignatureType";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "actionType";
                  internalType: "uint8";
                  type: "uint8";
              }, {
                  name: "targetContract";
                  internalType: "address";
                  type: "address";
              }, {
                  name: "chainid";
                  internalType: "uint256";
                  type: "uint256";
              }, {
                  name: "actionParameter";
                  internalType: "struct AEventAction.Criteria";
                  type: "tuple";
                  components: readonly [(...), (...), (...), (...)];
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "uint256";
              type: "uint256";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "data_";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "interfaceId";
              internalType: "bytes4";
              type: "bytes4";
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: "";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], event, abiEvent, abiEvent[]>, "event" | "events"> & {
          eventName?: event;
          eventNames?: event[];

    Returns Promise<GetLogsReturnType<abiEvent, abiEvent[]>>

    const logs = contract.getLogs({ eventName: 'EventName' })
    const logs = contract.getLogs({ eventNames: ['EventName'] })

    @template {ContractEvent} event
    @template {ExtractAbiEvent<
    >} [abiEvent=ExtractAbiEvent<ContractAbi, event>]
    @param {?Omit<
    GetLogsParams<ContractAbi, event, abiEvent, abiEvent[]>,
    'event' | 'events'
    > & {
    eventName?: event;
    eventNames?: event[];
    }} [params]
    @returns {Promise<GetLogsReturnType<abiEvent, abiEvent
  • A typed wrapper for wagmi.watchContractEvent

    Type Parameters

    • event extends "ActionExecuted" | "ActionValidated" | "Initialized"


    • cb: ((log: Log<bigint, number, false, Extract<{
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "executor";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "caller";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "success";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          name: event;
      }> | Extract<{
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "user";
              internalType: "address";
              type: "address";
              indexed: true;
          }, {
              name: "isValidated";
              internalType: "bool";
              type: "bool";
              indexed: false;
          }, {
              name: "data";
              internalType: "bytes";
              type: "bytes";
              indexed: false;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          name: event;
      }> | Extract<{
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: "version";
              internalType: "uint64";
              type: "uint64";
              indexed: false;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          name: event;
      }>, true>) => unknown)
        • (log): unknown
        • Parameters

          • log: Log<bigint, number, false, Extract<{
                type: "event";
                anonymous: false;
                inputs: readonly [{
                    name: "executor";
                    internalType: "address";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: true;
                }, {
                    name: "caller";
                    internalType: "address";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: false;
                }, {
                    name: "success";
                    internalType: "bool";
                    type: "bool";
                    indexed: false;
                }, {
                    name: "data";
                    internalType: "bytes";
                    type: "bytes";
                    indexed: false;
                name: "ActionExecuted";
            }, {
                name: event;
            }> | Extract<{
                type: "event";
                anonymous: false;
                inputs: readonly [{
                    name: "user";
                    internalType: "address";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: true;
                }, {
                    name: "isValidated";
                    internalType: "bool";
                    type: "bool";
                    indexed: false;
                }, {
                    name: "data";
                    internalType: "bytes";
                    type: "bytes";
                    indexed: false;
                name: "ActionValidated";
            }, {
                name: event;
            }> | Extract<{
                type: "event";
                anonymous: false;
                inputs: readonly [{
                    name: "version";
                    internalType: "uint64";
                    type: "uint64";
                    indexed: false;
                name: "Initialized";
            }, {
                name: event;
            }>, true>

          Returns unknown

    • Optionalparams: Partial<Omit<UnionCompute<WatchContractEventParameters<readonly [{
          type: "constructor";
          inputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "CloneAlreadyInitialized";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InitializerNotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitialization";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "InvalidInitializationData";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotImplemented";
      }, {
          type: "error";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "NotInitializing";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          }, {
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          }, {
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          }, {
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          name: "ActionExecuted";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          }, {
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          }, {
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          name: "ActionValidated";
      }, {
          type: "event";
          anonymous: false;
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              indexed: ...;
          name: "Initialized";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "VALIDATOR";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          name: "execute";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          }, {
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          stateMutability: "payable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionClaimant";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              components: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          name: "getActionStep";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              components: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionSteps";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
              components: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getActionStepsCount";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [];
          name: "getComponentInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          stateMutability: "pure";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          name: "initialize";
          outputs: readonly [];
          stateMutability: "nonpayable";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          name: "prepare";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }, {
          type: "function";
          inputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          name: "supportsInterface";
          outputs: readonly [{
              name: ...;
              internalType: ...;
              type: ...;
          stateMutability: "view";
      }], event, undefined, WebSocketTransport> & ChainIdParameter<Config, number> & SyncConnectedChainParameter>, "address" | "abi">> & {
          eventName?: event;

    Returns Promise<(() => void)>

  • Protected

    Internal function to attach the connected account to write methods to avoid manually passing in an account each call.


    • Optionalaccount: Account

    Returns {
        account: Account;
    } | {
        account: undefined;